Martin | Slovakia | March | 2024
Dear Friends and Partners,
The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed!
The very end of March was filled with this exclamation when we as Christians celebrated Jesus’ resurrection. In this decisive moment in history, God defeated death raising Jesus as the first fruit of those who have died. Therefore, we have hope that nothing, not even our own death, can separate us from the love of God we have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Our students and teachers underscored this Easter hope by organizing and collecting used clothes and second-hand books along with the Auction of Servants. In this popular activity our students offered their services (e.g., baking a cake, washing a car, giving a piano lesson, etc.) that could be bid on in an open auction by teachers and other students as well. All proceeds of $855 went toward a non-profit organization that provides care for children with terminal diseases, “Plamienok” (Beacon).
Every year on March 28th, commemorating the 1592 birth date and legacy of the bishop of the Moravian Brethren J. A. Comenius, known as the Father of Modern Education, Slovak teachers are recognized nationally and the outstanding are presented with awards. This year three of our teachers received this honor: Alena Búľovská, Pavol Bartoš, and Miroslav Škoviera. They all specialize in science (chemistry, physics, and biology) and we are glad to have them on our team.
In March we had a great opportunity to interview 21 high-school students who applied for a three-week summer training internship in VBS and Christian youth work. We thank our two partner churches, Grace Lutheran School and Church, River Forest, IL, and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Naperville, IL, for offering this opportunity for six future Christian leaders.
In March we were able to finish the reconstruction of the collapsing roof on the New Building. The unexpected challenge was met, so we can move on to the next project: reconstructing nine classrooms and several offices under our new roof. With the present prices per one classroom ($130,000 building cost and $12,000 furnishing cost), the total sum needed is $1,278,000. We appeal to your generosity to support this new project so more students will have a place to grow academically and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Dear friends and partners, there seems as if there is little hope when we look at the world around us. Wars, crises, rise of fascistic, populist, and totalitarian movements, all may weaken us in our action. However, as people of the Easter hope, let us continue fighting all these major threats to bring this very Christian hope to the world. Together we can make a difference because The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed!
Yours in His service,
Adrian Kacian, Director of Development Bohdan Hroboň, president of CCE
If you want to use the CCE contacts to help Ukraine, donate money as usual with the memo “Ukraine”. We will keep you informed how the money is used. |
Ways to GIVE | Make your tax-deductible gift in one of these ways: | ||
Vision Slovakia |
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church |
New Heights Foundation |
Paul Berge, Director St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church 900 Stillwater Road, Mahtomedi, MN 55115 (651)-762-9143 || DONATE NOW || |
Kathy Clolinger, 815 S. Washington St., Naperville, IL 60540 (+1)630-281-4226, |
Mark Johnson, Board Member 7913 NE 58th Ave., Vancouver, WA 98665 360-606-7505, |
Through Your Home Church If your church is a partner of the Center for Christian Education, make a donation noting “CCE” in the memo line of your check. Your church’s business office will include your contribution along with its regular support. |