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Progress Report – 2024 – September

Martin | Slovakia | September | 2024


Dear Friends and Partners,

September in Slovakia traditionally means the beginning of a new school year. At the Lutheran Academy in Martin, Slovakia (LAMS) we opened 2024-2025 as always – worshipping and thanking God for all His care and help. Our school pastors Jana Bosákova and Natália Kacianová encouraged all of us to follow God’s guidance on our individual and academic life journeys. We all are on a walk with God who in Jesus Christ has revealed His ways to us and taught us his paths (Psalm 25:4).

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Progress Report – 2024 – Summer

Martin | Slovakia | Summer | 2024


Dear Friends and Partners,

Diving is a great metaphor for our relationship with God. Often in our lives we are like swimmers who stay only on the surface, swim back and forth and never explore the depths of the water that carries us. We never dive holding our breath in astonishment about the profundity of God and his creation. However, once we find the courage to do so, a new world opens for us – a world filled with the power and love of the Creator. It is like when Jesus ordered Peter to put his boat out “into deep water” after all night of hard work during which Peter and his coworkers had caught nothing (Luke 5:4). Only in deep water and on Jesus’ command were they able to catch so many fish that their nets were breaking. Similarly, when we dive into a relationship with God, we can fully experience his power and miracles. Continue reading

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CCE NEWS – 2024 – MAY

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Progress Report – 2024 – May

Martin | Slovakia | May | 2024


Dear Friends and Partners,

“Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things.”

This first verse from Psalm 89 was the motto of the national competition in singing Christian songs that took place in May here in the CCE . Children from all over Slovakia presented their talents and skills, singing contemporary Christian songs and traditional Lutheran hymns. Listening to these children and witnessing their faith in Christ, you would stop worrying about the future of the church.

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Posted in Bible School, Lutheran Elementary School, Lutheran High School, Lutheran Preschool | Leave a comment

Progress Report – 2024 – April

Martin | Slovakia | April | 2024


Dear Friends and Partners,

The school environment is often stressful – for teachers and students alike. However, had you visited our school on April 17 and 18, the chances of improving your mental health would have been really high. Our school psychologists prepared various activities, workshops, and lectures for students to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and how to keep it in a good shape. We know that ultimately it is God who, by his mercy, gives our souls an ultimate rest. But he also gave us modern psychology with various time-proven practices and methods that can improve our mental well-being in our everyday lives. Thanks be to God! Continue reading

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Posted in Bible School, Lutheran Elementary School, Lutheran High School, Lutheran Preschool | Leave a comment

Progress Report – 2024 – March

Martin | Slovakia | March | 2024


Dear Friends and Partners,

The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed!

The very end of March was filled with this exclamation when we as Christians celebrated Jesus’ resurrection. In this decisive moment in history, God defeated death raising Jesus as the first fruit of those who have died. Therefore, we have hope that nothing, not even our own death, can separate us from the love of God we have in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Our students and teachers underscored this Easter hope by organizing and collecting used clothes and second-hand books along with the Auction of Servants. In this popular activity our students offered their services (e.g., baking a cake, washing a car, giving a piano lesson, etc.) that could be bid on in an open auction by teachers and other students as well. All proceeds of $855 went toward a non-profit organization that provides care for children with terminal diseases, “Plamienok” (Beacon).

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