The Confirmation of a LAMS Teacher

[Editka is on the left]

This month we celebrated with one of our high school teachers, Editka, who was confirmed into the Lutheran church. Though Editka grew up in a Christian family,she could not to be confirmed as a teenager under Communism.

“I was baptized shortly after my birth in my village. Since my childhood I have been led to believe in God, I remember that I went to Sunday school and church at the local parish, and I also attended religion class in my school. My grandmother used to take me to church in Trnava, even though she and my grandpa were the only Lutherans in her village and had to travel to go to the church. However, during Communism, my parents were afraid to have me confirmed for fear that I would not be allowed to attend University so that I could study and become a teacher. In school, I was forced to study scientific atheism. But when I listened to the Word of God, I always felt good. The sermons of the Lutheran pastors uplifted my soul.”

One of the initiatives that led Editka to her confirmation, was talking to fellow teachers at the Lutheran Academy Martin Slovakia.

“I am so thankful to the Lord that part of His plan for me was to teach at LAMS. Here, my eyes were opened. I realized that my life was not full, and that I was missing my confirmation of baptism and participation in the Lord’s Supper. Now I am full of the Holy Spirit and I believe my steps are governed by God.”

We rejoice with Editka and everyone who has been impacted by God through our school. Her confirmation shows that our school is not only an outreach to students and their families, but also our own staff!

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One Response to The Confirmation of a LAMS Teacher

  1. Kathryn Jandeska says:

    Congratulations, Editka, on the confirmation of your baptism! We look forward to meeting you when our mission group comes to teach Vacation Bible School at CCE this summer.

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